首页> 中文期刊>兰州商学院学报 >甘肃少数民族地区城镇化与生态环境保护协调发展研究--以甘南州为例




In Gannan Prefecture as the background , the aim of this paper is to study Gannan urbanization and ecological and environmental development as the goal , indepth analysis of Gannan ecological environ-ment situation , urbanization status quo , which is based on the proposed targeted selection urbanization and ecological environment protection a combination of roads , establish and improve the market mecha-nism , the establishment of institutional mechanisms for policy , planning mechanisms , ecological compen-sation mechanism , national regional cultural development mechanism , education and training mecha-nisms, regulatory mechanisms , national support and investment mechanism , construction and urban and rural development compatible other 11 urban system that can promote Gannan urbanization and ecological environment coordinated development mechanism and countermeasures .%该文主要研究甘南州城镇化与生态环境协调发展这一问题。在深入分析甘南州生态环境现状、城镇化建设现状的基础上,针对性地提出了选择城镇化建设与生态环境保护相结合的道路、建立健全市场机制、制度政策机制、规划机制、生态补偿机制、民族地区文化发展机制、教育培训机制、调控机制、国家扶持和投资机制、构建与城乡一体化发展相适应的城镇体系等11条具体促进甘南州城镇化与生态环境协调发展机制形成的对策。



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