首页> 中文期刊> 《兰州交通大学学报》 >一种直接煮青脱色菌液的制备及其脱色研究




The direct black decoloring bacterial strain was isolated from broth culture medium after natural fermentation by the method of adding dye domestication.According to its colonial and mycelial morphology,the strain was tentatively identified as non-strictly anaerobic bacillus with capsule and spore.The broth culture medium using artificial inoculation with the domesticated decoloring bacterial liquid prepared a decoloring bacterial liquid,and the decolorization effects of the decoloring bacterial liquid on direct black under different cultural conditions,such as dye con-cenctration,pH-value and temperature were studied.The results showed that the optimum condi-tions were as following:the dye concentration is 144 mg/L,pH=8.5,and the temperature is 35℃.Under this condition,the decolorization rate of direct black was over 98% when decoloring bacterial liquid was cultivated for 72 hours.The decoloring bacterial strain in the bacterial liquid showed good tolerance property in alkalinty and high temperature,and good decolorization effects in pH range of 9.5~10.5 and temperature range of 45~50 ℃.Spectrophotometric analysis dem-onstrated that the decoloring bacterial strain destroyed the chromophore structure of direct black, which made its color disappear.%通过自然腐败发酵的肉汤培养液加入染料驯化,分离出了一株直接煮青脱色菌,根据其菌落和菌体形态特征,初步确定该不严格厌氧菌为具有荚膜和芽孢的杆菌.人工接种该驯化脱色菌液发酵肉汤培养液制成脱色菌液,研究了该脱色菌液在不同染料质量浓度、pH 值、温度等培养条件下对直接煮青的脱色情况.结果表明:脱色菌液最适脱色条件为染料浓度144 mg/L 、pH=8.5、温度35℃,培养72 h 脱色率达到98%以上.菌液中的脱色菌株能够耐受碱性和高温环境,在 pH 值为9.5~10.5和温度为45~50℃的范围内均有较好的脱色效果.分光光谱表明,菌液中的脱色菌株破坏了直接煮青发色基团的结构使其颜色消失.



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