首页> 中文期刊>济宁学院学报 >浅析高校绩效激励机制改革指标体系的理论建构




Based on the integration model of Fromm’s expectancy theory and incentive theory, reforming performance management incentive mechanism in colleges and universities in our country ,is to rationalize and strengthen the causal relationship between personal efforts,individual performance,organizational reward and personal satisfaction,reduce and even eliminate the various adverse factors influencing three kinds of contact process,improve stuff’s psychological expectations meeting the needs of the individual through personal efforts,individual performance and organizational reward,is to build up a set of standard scientific performance management system.Based on the talent characteristics and work characteristics of college teachers,in the process of building a scientific standardized index system of performance incentives,goal oriented principle,economic feasibility principle,system integrity principles,the combination of qualitative and quantitative principles,democratic development principle should be followed.Construct the structure of the model and the mathematical computation of the index system for performance incentive mechanism reform in colleges and universities.%我国高等院校中进行绩效管理激励机制改革,就是要理顺和强化个人努力、个人绩效、组织奖赏与个人满足之间的因果关系,降低乃至消除影响三种联系过程的各项不良因素,提高教职工对通过个人努力、个人绩效、组织奖赏进而满足个人需要的心理预期,就是要建立起一套规范科学的绩效管理体制。根据高校教师的人才特点和工作特点,在构建科学规范的绩效激励指标体系过程中,遵循目标导向性原则、经济可行性原则、系统完善性原则、定性与定量相结合原则、民主发展性原则。建构高等院校绩效激励机制改革指标体系的结构模型与数理运算。



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