首页> 中文期刊>暨南大学学报(自然科学与医学版) >经尿道汽化电切治疗膀胱黏膜白斑34例




Aim;To investigate the clinical safety and efficacy of the treatment for leukoplakia of the bladder by transurethral resection. Methods; All patients (34 females) were treated by transurethral eletrovparization resection. The range of resection was extended 1 cm outside the involved area. The depth reached the surface of the muscle. All cases was injected Mitomycin-C (MMC) into the bladder postoperatively. The average age was 38.2 ±4.08 years (range 28 to 46 years). Results; The procedures were successful in all 35 cases, no blood transfusion. The operative time ranged from 6 to 15 min, average time was 9. 18 ± 2. 05 min. No surgical complications occurred. The mean hospitalization time was 4.06 ±0.78 days (range 3-5 days). The patients had been followed up for 6 ~ 15 months (mean 11.12 ±2.32 months). The symptoms of these cases disappeared postoperatively. There was no evidence of recurrence. Conclusion; The transurethral eletrovaprization of leukoplakia and intravesical instillation of MMC is safe and effective for treatment of leukoplakia of the bladder, it has the advantage of less damage and rapid recovery.%目的:探讨经尿道汽化电切术及术后辅助膀胱灌注治疗膀胱黏膜白斑的临床疗效.方法:34例均采用经尿道汽化电切术,超越白斑边缘1 cm处开始电切,深达浅肌层.术后辅以膀胱丝裂霉素C(Mitomycin-C,MMC)灌注治疗.结果:手术均获成功,术中无1例输血,手术时间6 ~15 min,平均(9.18±2.05)min.术中术后无明显并发症.住院时间3~5d,平均(4.06±0.78)d.术后症状消失,随访6~15个月,平均(11.12±2.32)月,行膀胱镜复查未见复发.结论:经尿道汽化电切联合丝裂霉素灌注治疗膀胱黏膜白斑有效,安全、创伤小、恢复快.



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