首页> 中文期刊> 《吉林金融研究》 >科技型中小企业信用风险评估研究——以辽宁省为例




Based on the modified KMV model, this paper takes empirical research on the credit risk of the scientific and technological small and medium enterprises in Liaoning province, and also establishes the level of credit risk. The results show that modified KMV model can effectively distinguish credit risk by calculating the distance to default and default probability, and the credit risk of scientific and technological small and medium enterprises in Liaoning province is medium and medium level. Finally, the paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions on the credit risk of the scientific and technological small and medium enterprises from the aspects of enterprise, government and financial institutions.%基于修正KMV模型,以辽宁省为例对中小企业信用风险进行了评估研究并构建了信用风险等级,结果表明:修正KMV模型计算的违约距离和违约概率能很好的区分信用风险;辽宁省科技型中小企业的信用风险处于中等及中等偏上水平.最后,从企业、政府和金融机构等方面提出了科技型中小企业信用风险控制的对策建议.



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