首页> 中文期刊>江南大学学报(人文社会科学版) >抗战时期甘肃期刊中的戏剧作品与戏剧史料考述——以《现代评坛》《新西北》《政论》《现代西北》为例




抗日战争时期,戏剧抗战成为了甘肃众多抗战形式中最为活跃的部分,而这一时期的《现代评坛》、《新西北》、《政论》、《现代西北》等期刊虽更注重政治宣传,但也刊登了大量的戏剧作品、戏剧评论与剧运报道.这些作品、评论与报道虽然存在着许多不足之处,但却保留了抗战时期甘肃戏剧运动方面的第一手史料,对全面了解抗战时期甘肃的戏剧史具有极为重要的研究价值与史料价值.%Drama resistance became the most active part of many forms of resistance in Gansu during the 14 years' Anti-Japanese war.Journals during this period, such as "Modern Review Altar", "New Northwest", "Political Discussion" and "Modern Northwest", not only paid much attention to political propaganda, but also published a large number of plays, drama comments and drama movement reports.Though there are many shortcomings about these works, reviews and reports, they retain the primary sources of the drama movement in Gansu province during the Anti-Japanese War, which make them have very important research values and historical values for a comprehensive understanding of the history of Gansu theater during the Anti-Japanese War.



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