首页> 中文期刊> 《佳木斯教育学院学报》 >合作教学模式在《环境学概论》课程教学中的应用




In the exploration of teaching reform of introduction to the environment course, cooperation teaching mode changed teacher-centered teaching structure, establish both can play to teachers' leading role and can fully embody the student main body status of "cooperation" teaching structure. Its emphasis on cooperation and communication between teachers and students and between students learning, emphasizing teacher training students find problems and independent thinking, team work spirit, is a kind of teachers and students to participate in the learning practice, and a way of teaching to improve students' learning efficiency. Application of cooperative teaching mode in experiment teaching reform of introduction to environmental science, not only to improve the teaching quality and students' environmental quality, to develop complex geography teachers with high scientific literacy is of great significance.%合作教学模式在环境学概论课程教学改革探索实践中,努力改变以教师为中心的教学结构,建立既能发挥教师主导作用又能充分体现学生主体地位的"合作"教学结构.它强调师生间与学生间学习的合作和交流,强调教师培养学生发现问题和独立思考问题、团队合作精神,是一种师生共同参与的学习实践活动,及提高学生学习效率的一种教学方式.应用合作教学模式在《环境学概论》课程教学改革中进行尝试,不仅对提高课程教学质量和师范生环境素质,对培养具有较高科学素养的复合型地理教师具有重要意义.



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