首页> 中文期刊>情报杂志 >我国管理科学与工程学科研究主题领域及趋势




采用聚类与战略坐标图对2000-2011年我国管理科学与工程学科研究领域进行了分析。结果表明:研究领域主要集中在GARCH模型、投资风险分析、评价理论与知识管理、决策支持系统与预测等9个方面;其中,激励管理与委托代理理论、物流与供应链、电子商务、运筹与管理、商业银行效率是热点研究领域;技术创新与绩效、复杂性研究是未来的研究趋势;研究方法主要集中在数据包络分析、结构方程模型、GARCH模型、算法、仿真、复杂网络等;研究对象主要是上市公司、中小企业以及虚拟企业。%  This paper gave a comprehensive analysis on the researches of Management Science and Engineering (during 2000 to 2011) by using cluster analysis and strategic diagram. The results showed that,the research fields were divided into 9 clusters, such as GARCH mod-el, investment risk analysis, appraisal theory, knowledge management, decision support system, forecasting theory, etc.;incentive man-agement and the principal-agent theory, logistics and supply chain, e-commerce, operations research and management science, and com-mercial bank efficiency were hot research fields;technology innovation and performance, complexity were the future research trends;for the research methods, more attention were paid to DEA, SEM, GARCH model, algorithm, simulation, complex network and so on;the main objects of research were listed companies, small and medium-sized enterprises and virtual enterprises.



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