首页> 中文期刊> 《情报杂志》 >产业园区竞争情报服务链研究:功能模型及平台构建




[Purpose/Significance]Aiming at the innovation-driven economic growth and industrial transformation and upgrading in the era of big data,we put forward the construction of industrial park competitive intelligence service chain to solve the competitive intelligence demand in the development of industrial parks.[Method/Process]Using normative research methods such as theoretical research and field research comprehensively,the study analyzes the competitive intelligence demand of the industrial parks,explains the theory connotation of the competitive intelligence service industry,discusses the structural factors and operation mechanism of industrial park competitive intelli-gence service chain,designs the industrial park competitive intelligence service platform, and puts forward countermeasures and sugges-tions on perfecting industrial park competitive intelligence service chain.[Result/Conclusion]The study shows that improving the compet-itive intelligence service chain of industrial parks is not only an inevitable choice to enhance industrial innovation ability,but also an impor-tant way to enhance the "soft environment" of the parks.%[目的/意义]针对大数据时代创新驱动经济增长和产业转型升级,提出构建产业园区竞争情报服务链,解决产业园区发展中的竞争情报需求.[方法/过程]综合利用理论研究和实地调研等规范研究方法,分析了产业园区的竞争情报需求,诠释了产业竞争情报服务的理论内涵,探讨了产业园区竞争情报服务链的结构要素和运行机理,设计了产业园区竞争情报服务平台,提出了完善产业园区竞争情报服务链的对策建议.[结果/结论]研究认为,完善产业园区竞争情报服务链既是提升产业创新能力的必然选择,也是提升园区"软环境"的重要途径.



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