首页> 中文期刊>内蒙古师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >西部民族地区旅游业发展周期评价




Tourism is becoming a major path for western ethnic areas to defeat poverty and gain an o-verall development of the economy and the society.Due to this,it is useful to evaluate its developmental period for the sake of promoting a sustainable development.According to periodic features and marking e-vents in tourist history and on the basis of periodic characteristics of tourist destinations,the development of western tourism can be divided into four periods.They are periods of exploring and nurturing,primitive development,extension,and quality improvement.Each period has its own features in terms of industrial development system,tourist industrial structure and development performance.According to this analy-sis,there has been a rapid growth since 2004,and there will be new opportunities and challenges with new governmental policies put in force.%发展旅游业越来越成为西部民族地区摆脱贫困以实现经济社会全面发展的重要路径,有必要对其发展周期进行评价,从而为促进其旅游业可持续发展提供借鉴。根据西部民族地区旅游业发展中的生命周期特征和标志性事件,参照旅游目的地生命周期的各阶段特征,可以将西部民族地区旅游业发展周期探索培育期、初步发展期、规模扩张期和质量提升期四个阶段。经评价可知,每个阶段的产业发展体制、旅游产业体系、旅游发展绩效呈现出不同的特征。分析可知,西部民族地区旅游业实际上在2004年以后开始迅速发展,随着国家一系列相关政策的出台将迎来新的战略机遇期。



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