首页> 中文期刊>红外与毫米波学报 >基于光子学处理技术的被动毫米波成像




A passive millimeter-wave scanning imaging method using electro-optic modulation and photonic processing is presented. In this imaging method, the millimeter-wave signal in the radiometer is transformed to optical frequency by electro-optic modulation, and processed by photonic filter and photodetector. The principle of this millimeter-wave signal photonic processing method is described, and the relationship between component parameters and signal conversion is analyzed. The noise characteristics of this processing method are discussed. A passive millimeter-wave scanning imaging system using this photonic processing method was designed, and passive millimeter-wave images acquired using this method were first presented in China. The results show that the proposed passive millimeter-wave imaging method is effective and can obtain comparable imaging quality as that of traditional millimeter-wave radiometer imaging. This passive millimeterwave imaging method has advantages such as large bandwidth and immunity to electromagnetic interferences.%提出了一种采用电光调制和光子学处理技术的被动毫米波扫描成像方法.该成像方法中辐射计通过电光调制将毫米波信号转换到光波频率,采用光子学滤波器和光电探测器进行信息获取和处理.阐述了毫米波辐射信号光子学处理的工作原理,研究了器件参数对信号转换的影响,分析了该处理方法中系统的噪声特性.依据上述原理设计了一个基于光子学技术的机械扫描式被动毫米波成像系统,获取了基于光子学技术的被动毫米波图像.研究结果表明,所提出的光子学被动毫米波成像方法可以获得类似传统毫米波辐射计成像的效果,并具有带宽高、抗电磁干扰等优点.



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