首页> 中文期刊>工业技术经济 >铁路运输业提升产品竞争力的策略选择研究--基于不同运输方式之间的博弈分析




随着“计划壁垒”的逐步消除,其它运输方式对铁路运输形成了极强的替代性,造成铁路运输业在运输市场上所占的份额大幅下降。为了在竞争中求生存,铁路运输业必须提升其产品的竞争力。价格竞争和非价格竞争是企业提升产品竞争力的两种主要手段,不同运输方式之间的博弈分析表明铁路运输业实施非价格竞争策略比实施传统的价格竞争策略更为可行。而就目前形势而言,继续深化行政垄断改革是铁路运输业自觉运用以提高产品质量为主的非价格竞争策略提升产品竞争力的基本前提。%〔Abstract〕 With the gradual elimination of planned barriers , other transportation means have constituted very strong substitution for railway transport , which substantially reduces railway transport industry's share in the market of transportation . In order to survive in the competition , railway transport industry must enhance the competitiveness of its product . Price competition and non-price competition are two main means for an enterprise to enhance the competitiveness of its product , but the game analysis on different transportation means shows that non-price competition strategy is more practicable for railway transport industry than traditional price competition strategy . However , as for the present situation , keeping on the reform of administrative monopoly is the basic premise for railway transport industry to enhance the com-petitiveness of its product through consciously using non -price competition strategy which mainly focuses on better quality .



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