首页> 中文期刊> 《湖南大学学报(社会科学版)》 >我国湿地保护现状与问题分析基于管理人员问卷调查∗




本研究利用问卷调查的方式,访谈了东中西部11个省份181位国家级自然保护区的管理人员,目的是为了了解管理人员对目前湿地保护现状以及存在问题的认知度。研究发现:东中西部管理人员在湿地生态系统服务功能变化的认知方面:人工湿地面积,供给服务功能以及文化服务功能变化有显著差异(P<0.01);在对湿地保护过程中存在问题的认知方面:水利水电设施建设、生活及生产的面源污染以及放牧业方面有显著差异(P<0.01);法律法规不健全、多部门管理等6个方面是造成湿地保护过程中存在问题的主要成因。管理人员对保护区监测体系及技术手段缺乏、经费短缺以及于周边社区矛盾突出3个方面的认知度在东中西部有着显著的差异(P<0.01),最后本研究从建立国家层面的《湿地法》、理顺管理体系、建立多元化的湿地保护机制以及提升公众对湿地的认知度4个方面有针对性地提出了应对湿地退化的策略。%A questionnaire survey was conducted among 1 8 1 managers from National Nature Reserves in 1 1 provinces,which was aimed to get a general knowledge of managers'cognition of the status and prob-lems in wetland conservation.According to the chi-square test results,it was found that managers in the three areas had significant differences in the perceptions (P<0.01)of wetland area,the functions of serv-ice supply and cultural service in wetland ecosystem service changes.As for the cognitive problems in wet-lands conservation,the constructions of water conservancy and hydropower facilities were significantly dif-ferent (P<0.01),so was non-point source pollution from living as well as pastry husbandry.There were six main reasons for wetlands protection problems including the lack of laws and regulations and multi-de-partment management.There existed significantly different perceptions (P<0.01)in three aspects inclu-ding the lack of monitoring systems,a shortage of management funds as well as the contradiction among surrounding communities.Finally,corresponding strategies would be proposed like establishing Wetlands Law in the national level,improving the management system,establishing diversified protection mecha-nisms and enhancing public awareness of wetland for preventing wetland degradation.



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