首页> 中文期刊>湖南大学学报(社会科学版) >论区域文化视角对新闻传播史研究的价值意义∗




区域文化是形成媒体个性风格,尤其是文化特色的重要因素。它们成为媒体的文化基因,成为媒体生命存活的“DNA”。考察“京沪冲突构造”中的近现代北京、上海报刊,分析湖湘文化对五四时期湖南报刊的影响,即可印证这一规律。前者构成1840年以来中国现代化历史进程中中国文化冲突的一个重要侧面,后者则孕育出了毛泽东这个影响中国历史和中国新闻的巨子,以此见出区域文化对新闻传播史的深刻影响力。%Regional Culture is an important factor forming an individual style of media,especially cul-tural features.They have become the cultural genes of media,and the “DNA”which has made the life of media alive.It can be confirmed by making a study of the newspapers in modern times in Beijing and Shanghai in the “conflict and construction between Beijing and Shanghai”and making an analysis of the in-fluence of the Hu-xiang culture on the newspapers in Hunan during the May 4th Movement.The former made up a very important side of China’s cultural conflict in the course of China’s modern history since 1840.The latter,on the other hand,carried within itself Mao Zedong,the giant who exerted great influ-ence on the history of China and news and press in China.It thus reveals the great and deep influence of re-gional culture on the journalism and communication.



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