首页> 中文期刊> 《湖南中医药大学学报》 >管窥《外科正宗》对湖湘张氏正骨流派的影响




The Surgical Authentic is an important representative surgical literature until Ming dynasty. It has an indelible contribution to promote the development of the Chinese surgery system. Hunan Zhang's Orthopedic Genre formed in the late Qing dynasty, in the process of development, constantly absorbed and combined the essences of many medical works, and on its basis of inheriting embodies the innovation. This article analyzed the impacts of Surgical Authentic to the Hunan Zhang's Orthopedic Genre about related academic ideas and practical application. We preliminarily think Zhang's Orthopedic Genre inherited the important academic thought of Surgical Authentic in internal and external using of the formulas, and the respect such as technique manipulations, and on the other hand, the Hunan Zhang's Orthopedic Genre developed the Five Precepts, the Ten Requires of the surgical authentic to the spirit as the medical purposes called "HE" relationship of doctors and patients.%《外科正宗》是一部代表我国明代以前外科成就的重要文献,它对推动中医外科学体系的发展有着不可磨灭的功绩。湖湘岳阳张氏正骨学术流派形成于清末,在发展过程中,不断吸收并结合了诸多医学著作的精髓,并在继承的基础上体现了创新。本文分析了《外科正宗》对张氏正骨相关学术思想和应用的影响。初步认为张氏正骨流派在方药内服外用、手法实施要点等方面继承了《外科正宗》重要的学术思想,另张氏正骨秉承了《外科正宗》中《五戒》《十要》的精神发展为医患之“和”的行医宗旨,对张氏正骨学术体系的形成有一定的影响。



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