首页> 中文期刊> 《湖南中医药大学学报》 >基于数据挖掘的熊继柏教授诊疗失眠模型构建研究




〔Abstract〕 Objective To build a Chinese medical decision model of insomnia based on the experience of Prof. Xiong Jibai. find the role of differential treatment of insomnia base on the experience of Professor Xiong Jibai. Methods We first collected 162 insomnia patients were treated by Prof. Xiong in clinic, including 254 medical records. Then we established a database. Using Excel software to make syndromes, syndrome elements, prescription drug descriptive statistics. Using Weka 3.7.12 software and uses algorithms FP-Growth to find The insomnia symptom characteristics of different gender and age, among prescription compatibility, syndromes and association rules with parties were analyzed by using Weka 3.7.12 software and FP-Growth algorithms. The R-type cluster analysis of commonly used drugs were by using SPSS 17.0 software. Results Patients in clinic with insomnia syndrome characterized characteristic changes with age from simple deficiency or empirical gradually evolved to intermingled deficiency and excess, male and female in insomnia also has different syndrome. Four formula are commonly used in insomnia by Prof. Xiong Jibai, Huanglian Wendan decoction is correlated with the treatment of interior disturbance of phlegm heat syndrome, Huanglian Wendan decoction combined with Suanzairen decoction are correlated with phlegm-heat syndrome and liver depression transforming into fire, Suanzaoren decoction combined with Kongsheng Zhenzhong pills can treat the syndromes related with deficiency of kidney-Yin, the combinaton of Huanglian Wendan decoction, Suanzaoren decoction and Kongsheng Zhenzhong pills are for the deficiency kidney-Yin and thephlegm heat syndromes. The common used drugs for insomnia are Suanzaoren, Longchi, Gancao, Fushen, Huanglian, Chenpi, Zhuru, Zhishi, Zhimu, which are assigned to removing heat-phlegm, tranquillization with heavy prescription, and nourishing Yin and suppressing the excessive Yang types of medicines. Conclusion Prof. Xiong Jibai treat the insomnia, which is caused by interior disturbance of phlegm heat syndrome, liver depression forming fire, Yin deficiency of liver-kidney, based on syn-drome differentiation with flexible using the classical and convenient prescriptions. He focuses on the differentiation of tongue pulse and selected the prescriptons with syndromes of diseases.%目的:构建熊继柏教授关于失眠的辨证论治模型。方法通过对熊继柏教授治疗失眠的162人、254例次病案进行整理,运用Weka 3.7.12软件,采用FP-Growth算法,对就诊患者中不同性别与年龄段的证候特点、方剂间配伍、证候与用方进行关联规则分析,使用SPSS 17.0软件对常用药物进行R型系统聚类分析。结果就诊的失眠患者证候特征随年龄变化由单纯虚证或实证逐渐演变为虚实夹杂证,男性与女性的失眠证候特点各异;熊继柏教授治疗失眠的4个常用方剂组合中,黄连温胆汤与痰热内扰证相关联,黄连温胆汤合酸枣仁汤与痰热兼肝郁化火证相关联,酸枣仁汤合孔圣枕中丹与肝肾阴虚相关联,黄连温胆汤、酸枣仁汤、孔圣枕中丹3方合用与肝肾阴虚合并痰热证相关联。常用治疗失眠的药物为酸枣仁、龙齿、甘草、茯神、黄连、半夏、陈皮、竹茹、枳实、知母等,大致可分为清热化痰、重镇安神、育阴潜阳3类。结论熊继柏教授辨治失眠,多责之于痰热内扰、肝郁化火、肝肾阴虚,辨证注重辨舌脉,因证选方,经方与时方灵活搭配应用。



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