首页> 中文期刊> 《湖南中医药大学学报》 >国医大师张学文辨治肺癌经验




国医大师张学文认为肺癌是因毒邪侵淫、情志内伤等导致脏腑失调,正气虚弱,气滞血瘀,痰浊内生,毒痰瘀互结,壅结于肺,日久恶变成癌积,临床从气阴亏虚型、热毒内蕴型、痰浊内阻型、毒瘀互结型、阴阳两虚型辨治.治当扶正祛邪,以益气养阴、活血散结、化痰解毒为原则,并应将扶正祛邪贯穿肺癌治疗的全过程.%In opinion of Professor ZHANG Xuewen, lung cancer is due to dysfunction of Zang and Fu, deficiency of healthy Qi, Qi stagnation and blood stasis, obstruction of turbid phlegm and blood stasis in lung induced by toxic and evil invasion, and emotional upset. The differentiation treatment types of this disease in clinic are Qiyin Kuixu (deficiency of Qi-Yin), Redu Neiyun (heat toxin accumulating inside), Tanzhuo Neizu (obstruction of turbid phlegm), Duyu Hujie (obstruction of toxin and blood stasis), and Yinyang Liangxu (deficiency of Yin-Yang). The patients of lung cancer could by treated by Fuzheng Quxie (strengthening the body resistance and eliminating evil), with the principles of Yiqi Yangyin (tonyfing Qi and Yin), Huoxue (promoting circulation and removing stasis), and Huayu Jiedu (removing blood stasis and detoxification);and Fuzheng Quxie method could be considered in the process of treatment of lung cancer.



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