首页> 中文期刊> 《湖北工业大学学报》 >城乡结合部社区管理创新的经验与面临的挑战——以湖北宜城市窑湾社区为例




社会管理和社会体制改革是当今社会的热点问题。城乡结合部社区由于城乡管理之间的差异、地域差异、经济情况差异,成为了社区管理中的重难点。湖北省宜城市窑湾社区在创新管理体制方面采取了一些有成效的新举措:通过"归区"工程,明确社区管理新职责;构建"三位一体"的工作格局,为社区管理搭建新平台;组建"帮扶对子",为社区管理提供新保障。以湖北省宜城市窑湾社区为例,在深入分析城乡结合部社区创新社会管理经验的同时,也指出社区工作面临着工作职责不清、公共服务供给不足、社区居民参与度不高、社区组织机构不健全等诸多挑战。%The reform of social management and the social system is the main social issue. The combination of urban and rural communities has caused a difficulty in community management, due to differences between urban and rural, such as management, regional difference, and eco- nomic condition. This paper reports a case study of Yaowan community in Yicheng City of Hubei province. It analyzed experiences and challenges of innovating social management at the integra- tion of urban and rural community. Yaowan community took some effective measures to innovate management system of society as follows: Firstly, it tried to clarify responsibilities of community management. Secondly, it built a new platform for the community management. At the same time, it provided new security for the community management.



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