首页> 中文期刊>湖北经济学院学报 >长江经济带能源效率、能源消费与经济增长的区域差异--基于沿江11省市的数据分析




长江经济带集中了中国大部分的高技术与高能耗产业,过度依赖能源已成为影响该地区经济可持续发展的重要因素。采用面板数据从时间序列和截面两个维度对长江经济带11省市的能源消费和经济增长的区域差异进行分析,可以克服样本量小的缺点,更好地观察区域差异的动态变化。以人均能源消费量和人均国内生产总值为横纵坐标,构建二维组合矩阵,将长江经济带划分为4个不同的区域:江苏、江西、湖南、湖北、重庆、四川属于经济高增长能源消费高增长区;浙江、安徽、贵州属于经济高增长能源消费低增长区;云南属于经济低增长能源消费高增长区,上海属于经济低增长能源消费低增长区。%As most of the high technology and high energy consumption industries of China are got together in the Yangtze River Economic Belt,excessive dependence on energy has become the important factor that affect the sustainable de-velopment of the area. Regional differences of energy consumption and economic growth of 11 Provinces in the Yangtze River Economic Belt are analyzed by panel Data from two aspects of time series and cross-sectional series, and taking this ap-proach can overcome the shortcoming of small sample and it is better for observing the dynamic changes of the regional dif-ferences. The Yangtze River Economic Belt can be divided into four different regions by the two-dimensional matrix in which per capita energy consumption and per capita GDP are the horizontal and vertical coordinates. Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Chongqing and Sichuan belong to the region of high growth rate of economic and energy consumption. Zhejiang, Anhui and Guizhou belong to the region of high growth rate of economic and low growth rate of energy consumption. Yunnan is the re-gion of low growth rate of economic and high growth rate of energy consumption,and Shanghai is the region of low growth rate of economic and energy consumption.



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