首页> 中文期刊>华中科技大学学报(社会科学版) >国家治理一维:如何解决社会问题和取得社会成就




国家治理的一个重要维度,是如何解决社会问题和取得社会成就。社会问题和社会成就是同一社会事务的两极状况。一个国家,如果其多数社会事务的状况都表现为社会问题,这个国家的整体状况就差;如果其多数社会事务的状况都表现为社会成就,这个国家的整体状况就好。社会学没有“社会成就”的范畴,它关于社会问题的成因有多种理论解释,但没有一个经得起推敲,正确的解释应该是因为缺乏有效的社会制度。与之相反,社会成就的取得,就是因为具有高效的社会制度。既然如此,不论是想获得社会成就,还是想解决社会问题,都只能从社会制度入手。在某个社会事务上,若想取得社会成就,就要设法创造出新的比自己过去或其他国家更为有效的制度安排;若想解决社会问题,就要设法调整或改变原有的无效或低效的制度安排。%An important dimension of governance is how to solve social problems and achieve social suc -cess.Social issues and social achievements are the two poles of social affairs .If the condition of most social affairs in a country is manifested as social problems , the overall situation of the country is poor , on the contra-ry, if it’ s manifested as social success , the whole country is in a good condition .There is no category of “so-cial success” in sociology .Although there are various theoretical explanations of causes of social problems , none can stand serious scrutiny .The correct explanation should be because of the lack of effective social sys-tem.By contrast, the achievement of social success is due to efficient social system .Therefore, it is only to start from the social system whether the goal is to achieve social success or to solve social problems .In a cer-tain social issue , the government should try to create new institutional arrangements which are more effective than that of in the past or other countries to achieve social success .The government should attempt to adjust or change the exist inefficient institutional arrangements to solve social problems .



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