首页> 中文期刊>华侨大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >20世纪90年代传媒覆盖下的作家生存法则之变




市场经济实施以前的新中国作家,不仅享有“中上”以上水平的优越经济地位,而且还一直被当作“精神领袖”和“启蒙导师”而备受尊重。虽然他们在历次政治运动中处境险恶,但其历史地位的重要性与醒目性却是不容忽视。可是,20世纪90年代市场经济的实行与展开,作家的经济地位不仅整体下降到“中等”以下水平,而且其通过“文学叙事”执掌言说历史“牛耳”的话语权,也被快速崛起的大众传媒及“传媒叙事”所攫取。作家由“文化英雄”到“文化难民”的生存锐变,折射了社会变迁的复杂内在境遇。%New Chinese writers before market economy brought into etiect not only shared advantageous economic status above average, but also was much respected as "engineers of the soul" and the people's "spiritual leader". They were in the broken boat and encountered repeated misfortune in all previous political movements, but they must not be ignored for their importance and outstanding in historical status. Since entering the market economy in 1990s, the economic status of the writers dropped on the whole to the "middle" level, and their discourse power in controlling historical language by the "literary narration" was replaced by the rapidly emerging media and its "media narration". The change of writers living from "cultural hero" to "cultural refugee" reflected a complex and Changeable social circumstance.



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