首页> 中文期刊> 《怀化学院学报》 >蜡染文化在旅游产品开发中的传承与表达




Using the comparative research method , this article explores the batik art and the cultural tourism resources value , and analyzes the current situation and existing problems in the development of Guizhou batik culture tourism products . In reference to the successful experiences of cultural product development at home and abroad , Guizhou batik cultural tourism products should adopt the participatory pattern in the developing process , pay more attention to the inner mechanism of collaboration among the research organizations , the government , enterprises and communities , emphasize multilayered expression of the tourism products between the tourist consumption and the cultural experience , and cimbined with the market circumstances , try to build up Guizhou local batik cultural brand in order to promote the batik culture heritage protection and the development of the ethnic cultural tourism in Guizhou .%采取比较研究法对蜡染技艺与文化的旅游资源价值进行了探讨,分析了目前贵州蜡染文化旅游产品开发现状及存在问题。在借鉴国内外比较成功的文化产品开发经验的基础上,认为贵州蜡染文化旅游产品在开发过程中应采取多方参与的模式,注重政府、企业、社区及研究组织之间的内在协作机理,强调旅游产品在游客消费与文化体验之间的多层次表达,并应结合市场环境,积极打造贵州本土蜡染文化品牌,以此推动蜡染文化的传承保护和贵州民族文化旅游的发展。



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