首页> 中文期刊> 《高教学刊》 >高校辅导员以'四个把握'构建与家长沟通联动机制




Ideological and political education for undergraduates is a systemic project, which needs their parents' close cooperation. The communication between college counselors and parents is of great significance. It helps parents to understand and attach importance to the ideological and political education, counselors to carry out the targeted work, and colleges and universities to raise awareness of the management education and educational legal responsibili-ty. Nevertheless, owing to the fragmentation and formalization of the communication, it is not so effective as we ex-pected. Thus, college counselors should consider how to communicate with students' parents at a right time and in a right way to make it more scientific and effective so as to help students grow healthily and academically.%大学生思想政治教育是一个系统工程,需要学生家长密切配合.高校辅导员做好与家长沟通具有重要意义,有利于家长了解和重视高校思想政治教育,有利于辅导员增强工作的针对性,有利于高校明确管理教育法律责任.当前辅导员与家长沟通中呈现零散化、表面化、形式化等问题,实际效果较差.辅导员与家长沟通中应注意把握时机、把握重点、把握方式及把握分寸,增强沟通交流的科学性和有效性,帮助在校大学生成长成才.



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