首页> 中文期刊>菏泽学院学报 >网络游戏玩家非理性消费行为研究




网络游戏市场巨大的收益引起各界人士的广泛关注,研究显示网络游戏的市场发展规模还在逐年扩大,有很多沉迷于网络游戏中非理性消费的玩家。造成这种现象的原因,从心理需求的角度分析,包括外部因素和内部因素。外部因素包括产品特征和购买情境,内部因素为消费者个人消费心理,政府的网络游戏监管部门,以及游戏运营商与玩家自身应该采取有效的策略来防止这种现象的发生。%The remarkable profit of online games has drawn wide attention from people from all walks of life . Research has shown that the scale of the market of online games is still increasing annually , for there are many irra-tional online games players who are addicted into online games .The reasons for the above phenomenon , if analyzed from the perspective of psychological needs , can be external ones including the characteristics of products and the purchasing environment , or an internal one , the individual consuming psychology .Valid strategies should be car-ried out by the supervisory department of online games , games operators , together with the players themselves in or-der to prevent such a phenomenon .



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