首页> 中文期刊> 《河南农业科学》 >枣树根系空间分布规律研究




采用剖面挖掘和分层取样法,利用WinRHIZO Pro2010a根系分析系统对漫灌条件下红枣吸收根(根径<2 mm)的空间分布进行研究,以期为枣树田间水肥管理提供理论依据.结果表明:根系在水平方向上(0~450 cm)随着距树干水平距离的增加而减少,水平距离0~200 cm以内的区域是根系分布的主要区域;根系在垂直方向上(0~160 cm)表现出随土层深度增加先增多后减少的趋势,竖直方向0~70 cm以内的土层是根系分布的主要区域.水平距离0~200 cm、竖直方向0~70 cm以内土层是枣树田间水肥管理的重要区域,土壤质地条件是影响根系分布的一个重要因素.%To provide theoretical basis for water and fertilizer management in Ziziphus Mill.orchard,the spatial distribution characteristics of roots of Ziziphus Mill.was studied.With profile digging and layered sampling methods,the spatial distribution of absorbing roots (root diameter<2 mm) of Ziziphus Mill.under flood irrigation was analyzed by using WinRHIZO Pro2010a system.In horizontal direction(0-450 cm),the roots in the rows decreased with the distance increase from the trees.The horizontal direction of 0-200 cm is concentrated region for roots distributing.In vertical direction(0-160 cm),the roots in the rows first increased and then decreased with increasing depth.The vertical direction of 0-70 cm was concentrated region for roots distributing.The 0-70 cm soil layer in the 0-200 cm from the trees was important for water and fertilizer management in Ziziphus Mill.orchard ecosystems.The soil texture condition was an important factor affecting the spatial distribution of roots.



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