首页> 中文期刊>贵州师范大学学报(自然科学版) >流动儿童的角色认同及其与自尊的关系




以重庆7所中小学569名儿童为被试,用问卷法考察流动儿童角色认同的特点及其与自尊的关系。结果表明:流动儿童的自尊水平整体低于非流动儿童;流动儿童的城市人角色认同水平显著低于非流动儿童;在年级变量上,角色认同整体呈现出先上后下的趋势,其中五年级是角色认同的最高点,但在角色认同的行为倾向的维度上,呈现出持续上升的趋势;流动儿童自尊与角色认同各维度相关显著,角色认同的能力知觉和行为倾向两个维度可显著预测流动儿童的自尊水平。%569 students of 7 primary and middle schools of Chongqing were investigated by the ques- tionnaire in order to examine the characteristics of migrant children' s role identity and the relationship between their role identity and self-esteem . Results showed that : Migrant children' s self-esteem is lower than the non-migrant children;The level of citizen-role identity of migrant children is lower than non-migrant children significantly. Development trend of the grade, changes were increased and then decreased, and the fifth grade is the highest point, while in behavioral tendencies, changes continued to rise;Migrant children' s self-esteem was significantly related to the dimensions of role identity, per- ceived ability and behavioral tendencies which are two dimensions of role identity can significantly pre- dict the self-esteem of migrant children.



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