首页> 中文期刊> 《桂林电子科技大学学报》 >双频带小型化频率选择表面




A FSS patch unit with small, simple structure,thin and dual band resonance was proposed. The FSS equal circuit is analsyed, the operating principle is worked out. The effect of structure parameter of unit on the travel of e-lectromagnetic wave is worked out. A dual band pass FSS using that structure is design. In the HFSS, it shows that the structure of unit is resonance on 8 GHz and 12 GHz. Both of them are smaller than ?0 dB in Sn and the band width of all pass band are larger than 10%. The dimension of unit is only 1/5A(6. 9 mmX6. 9 mm) and the thickness of it is 0.1 mm.%为了使频率选择表面空间滤波的特性能够广泛地应用到小型通信设备,必需一种谐振单元小、双频带滤波的FSS谐振单元作为接收端的天线罩.通过提出一种结构简单、尺寸小、厚度薄、具有双工作频带的贴片式频率选择表面,对该表面所对应的等效电路工作原理进行分析,研究其结构尺寸对电磁波传输的影响.HFSS仿真结果表明:采用该单元设计出的双频带频率选择表面,在8.2 GHz和11.3 GHz的S11系数均小于-30 dB,在两通带的相对带宽均大于10%,单元尺寸结构紧凑,相对于8.2 GHz的谐振频率仅为1/5波长(6.9 mm×6.9 mm),其介质板的厚度为0.1 mm.



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