首页> 中文期刊>广西师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版) >浅析职业教育与广西少数民族地区经济社会发展




After revealing the backward and poverty-stricken situation in the countryside of Bama Yao Ethnic Autonomous County, this paper reaches a conclusion that one of the reasons why those ethnic areas are backward and poverty-stricken is because there is a shortage of human capital resource. To change the backward and poverty-stricken situation in the ethnic group areas, promote their economic and social development, and prosper Guangxi by science and education, vocational education needs greatly developing. Through vocational education, compatriots in those ethnic areas can have a chance to renew their notion, strengthen their skills, and further increase the human capital of the local areas.%本文揭示了广西巴马瑶族自治县农村贫困落后状况,分析广西少数民族地区贫困落后重要原因之一是人力资本短缺。要改变少数民族地区贫困落后面貌,促进当地经济社会发展,实现科教兴桂,需要大力发展职业教育。通过职业教育更新少数民族同胞的观念,增强其技能,提升当地人力资本。



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