首页> 中文期刊>广西师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版) >近七年听说法在大学英语界的应用研究述评




大学英语教学界对听说教学法的应用研究主要涉及四个方面:理论基础、社会背景、主要特征和教学模式、现实意义。从这四个方面对近七年的相关文献进行述评,勾画出该领域研究的现状,指出理论基础和社会背景研究存在不够深入全面的现象,主要特征和教学模式研究缺乏新意,现实意义研究有较好的突破。结合Skinner程序教学理论和现代教育技术,有效运用听说法改进大学英语教学,是值得探索的方向。%The research on the application of audio-lingualism in College English teaching mainly coversfour aspects: theoretical basis, social background, principal features and teaching models and practical significance. Summarizing the relevant literatures published in the past seven years on the basis of the four aspects, this paper will sketch the current trend in this area, and point out the deeper and adequate study needed to be conducted on the theoretical basis and social background, while the creative understanding of the main features and teaching models is lacking though a breakthrough has been made in practical application. It is worthwhile employing audiolingualism to improve College English teaching based on Skinner' s procedure teaching theory and modern education technology.



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