首页> 中文期刊> 《广西农学报》 >科学套种套养 促进钱粮双增——广西创新集成套种套养技术的探索与实践

科学套种套养 促进钱粮双增——广西创新集成套种套养技术的探索与实践



经多年实践探索,广西创新集成良种良法产业化等多种现代农业要素,以及种养结合、林下经济等先进理念,发展形成了技术配套、模式多样、成效显著的新型套种套养技术。该技术基本不改变主栽作物种植方式,不影响粮食和主栽作物生产,充分利用主栽作物生长空余的地面空间或前后期空当,套种一造或多造作物,套养一批或多批动物,净增一次或多次收入,是传统耕作与现代科技相互渗透、相互融合形成的“叠加农业”“叠加产出”模式,大大提高了土地产出率、资源利用率和劳动生产率,有效突破人多地少、效益不高的制约,突出解决粮经作物争地矛盾,最大程度地实现钱粮双增。该模式按套种套养种类、形态特征及其共生关系,可形象地划分为长套短、高套矮、天套地、荫套阳、一套多、种套养等六大类。%After years'practice, by means of integrating muhi-elements of modern agriculture and advanced cultivation modes of planting-rearing and farming among forestry, a set of new types of interplanting and inter-rearing techniques are shaped and formulated. Basically not changing main planting mode and not affecting grain and main crop production, these techniques can use fully the remaining space in farmland to interptant one or more crops and inter-rearing one or more batches of animals for more income generations so that they are the modes of integrating conventional cultivation and modern technique, which can promote farmland output rate, resource utilization rate and productivity, break the population-and-land constrained factors, and solve the problems of economic crop and grain crop land conflict so as to realize the income and grain win-win increase. According to interplanfing crop, feature and symbiotic relationship, these modes can be divided into six types of long growth crop interplanfing with short growth crop, tall crop interplanting with short crop, high- position crop interplanting with ground crop, shade-loving crop interplanting with light-loving crop, one crop interplanfing more crops and crop inter-rearing with animal.



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