首页> 中文期刊>广东外语外贸大学学报 >手机:由“媒介”到“媒体”--媒介融合背景下智能手机媒体的现实审视和前景展望




手机由传播接受信息的媒介发展到通过智能操作系统不断扩展功用的自媒体,在完成身份转变的同时,也发挥了诸如使政府传播与信息沟通方式发生转变、拉动相关产业经济发展、形成特定文化现象、对社会生活产生异化等作用,将来,它还会持续对传统媒体形成冲击,促使媒介融合步伐加快,在营销领域创造新的增长点,手机 APP 应用的范围和使用者年龄及数量都会有显著提高,这些转变都将使其成为真正意义上的第五媒体。%Mobile phones have evolved from a medium for transmitting and receiving messages into a we-media which are expanding its functions constantly through the intelligent operating system. At the same time, the evolution also has produced the transformation of the way of the government‘s communication and transmission, stimulates the economic and businesses development, has created a particular cultural phenomenon and alienated our social life. In the future, mobile phones will continue to exert some impact on the traditional media, speed up media convergence, create new market point of growth and make a remarkable rise of the scope of APP applications and the users’ age and number, which in all will make mobile phones become the real fifth media.



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