


中国科举制度源于隋,唐宋两代逐渐定型化。唐代以来的进士科考试和一些制科考试中亦渐开试赋之习,且诗赋进士越来越占有重要的地位。北地辽、金两朝与宋代政权先后对立,科举考试也沿承了唐宋的做法,根据两朝史料记载,科举取士中诗赋占有比较突出的地位。然两代留存下来的辞赋并不多,仅有寥寥数十篇。但作为一代制度,却对当时的文学创作和词章之学的促进产生了积极的影响,亦有自己的特色。%Imperial Examinations started in Sui Dynasty and gradually standardized in Tang&Song Dynasties. From Tang Dynasty, Fu was gradually tested in JinShi(进士) exam and some special exams, and former Poetry and Fu JinShi occupied more and more important position. Though North Liao and Jin Dynasties were in opposition with Song Dynasty, they followed the imperial examination of Tang and Song Dynasties. According to historical records, poetry and Fu had a prominent place in the Liao and Jin Dynasties’ imperial examination. But not much of Fu in the two generations was preserved, except several articles. But as a system, the articles with their own characteristics promote a positive impact on the literary creation and the study of rhetoric.



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