首页> 中文期刊> 《地理学报:英文版》 >On China's geoenvironment for countrywide development

On China's geoenvironment for countrywide development



Entry word ’geo’ means the relations between the earty surface layer and its surroundings.The existence and development of humanity are in progress on certain spatial places and duringspecific time series. It is not only philosophic truth but also objective reality. People always define theinteraction between human society and natural world as man-land relationship. which contains eitherthe tangible habitat of human being or the intangible bearing got involved in it. So far asgeoenvironment is an enlarged geographic surroundings, from macroscopic cosmos to elementaryparticle without exception. The purpose of thes paper is to expound the relationship for human beingwith its factors affiliated on global surface. The authors firmly believe that humankind possesses threeoverlapping levels of environment on earth enclosure including physical (natural), economic(artificial) and humanistic (ideological) spheres.


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