首页> 中文期刊>福建林业科技 >9种室内观赏植物对苯的净化能力




以吉林省9种室内常见观赏植物花卉为材料,采用室内模拟苯胁迫试验,探讨其对苯气体吸收净化能力及生理指标变化。结果表明:苯胁迫24 h时,植物对苯的净化能力排序为:白鹤芋>绿萝>金边虎尾兰>蟹爪兰>樱花吊兰>君子兰>巴西美人>青苹果竹芋>吊兰;青苹果竹芋、蟹爪兰、巴西美人和樱花吊兰的叶绿素含量下降相对比较明显;青苹果竹芋、吊兰、金边虎尾兰、巴西美人的丙二醛含量增幅较大;君子兰、青苹果竹芋、蟹爪兰、巴西美人在处理后的电导率增幅较大。结合净化率和生理指标表明:白鹤芋和绿萝对苯的净化率高且对苯的抗性相对最强;巴西美人和青苹果竹芋对苯没有净化效果,对苯的抗性也相对最弱。%In Jilin Province,taking 9 common indoor ornamental flowers as the material,the indoor benzene stress simulation experi-ment,this paper discussed the purification ability of benzene gas absorption and physiological index change,after 24-hour-long ben-zene stress,the order of the ability of the plants purifying benzene was Spathiphyllum kochii>Epipremnum aureum>Sansevieria tri-fasciata>Zygocactus truncactus>Atenia cordifolia >Cliviaminiata >Dracaena deremensis >Calathea rotundifolia cv Fasciata >Chlorophytum comosum.Calathea rotundifolia,Zygocactus truncactus,Atenia cordifolia and Dracaena deremensi chlorophyl contents decreased relatively evidently;Calathea rotundifolia,Chlorophytum comosum,Sansevieria trifasciata,and Dracaena deremensis MDA content increase was relatively large.Zygocactus truncactus, Calathea rotundifolia, Zygocactus truncactus, and Dracaena deremensis conductance rate increase was large.Combined with purification rate and physiological indexes, it showed that purification rate of benzene with Spathiphyllum kochii and Epipremnum aureum was high and the strongest resistance to benzene was relatively highest;Dracaena deremensis and Calathea rotundifolia cv Fasciata didn't have purification effect for benzene,the resistance was relatively the weakest to benzene.



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