首页> 中文期刊>福建林学院学报 >油茶种仁成熟过程油脂合成代谢的转录组分析




To explore the molecular mechanism of the oil metabolism in Camellia oleifera seed kernel,RNA-Seq was used to analysis the differential expressed genes among 3 periods of common camellia "Min 43" seed kernel during its maturation period. The results showed that the expression level of the four genes related to fatty acid and triglyceride metabolism,namely Acetyl Co-enzyme a carbox-yltransferase alpha subunit(ACCase α-CT), 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthaseⅢ(KASⅢ), long chain acyl-CoA synthetase 2 (LACS2) and glycerol-3-phosphate 2-O-acyltransferase 4(GPAT4),were up-regulated with the maturity of seed kernel.The RT-qPCR analyses were consistent with the transcriptomic data,additionally,the trend of oil content in seed kernel was in accordance with the expression level of these four genes. These findings indicate that the four genes,ACCase α-CT,KASⅢ,LACS2 and GPAT4,play important roles in the lipid metabolism of camellia seed kernel and contribute to increase the oil content of camellia seed.%以普通油茶品种"闽43"种仁为试验材料,应用转录组测序技术分析油茶种仁成熟阶段中3个发育时期转录组的表达差异,探讨油茶种子油脂代谢的分子机制.转录组测序结果发现,与脂肪酸和甘油三酯代谢相关的4个基因乙酰辅酶A羧化酶羧基转移酶α亚基基因(ACCase α-CT)、β酮脂酰合酶基因(KASⅢ)、长链酰基辅酶A合酶基因2(LACS2)和甘油三磷酸酰基转移酶基因4(GPAT4)随着油茶籽的成熟,表达水平呈上升趋势.4个基因的RT-qPCR的分析结果与转录组数据一致,此外,种仁的含油量的变化趋势与4个基因的表达水平相一致.研究结果表明,4个基因在油茶籽油脂代谢过程中发挥重要作用,有助于油茶籽含油量的增加.



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