首页> 中文期刊>福建农林大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >媒介融合环境下统战文化传播效度研究




基于媒介融合视角阐明提升统战文化传播效度的实施之维。从媒介多元化削弱了统战文化信息传播的“中心性”、弱化了统战文化信息传播的“主流性”、降低了统战文化信息传播的“稳定性”、减少了统战文化信息传播的“权威性”等方面分析媒介融合环境下统战文化信息传播面临的挑战,进一步阐述了媒介融合环境下统战文化信息传播面临的优化传播内容,实现信息登载与阅读的“零时差”;消除时空限制,拓宽信息传播与影响的覆盖面;创新阅读体验,提升受众的信息获取质量;顺应发展需求,提高统战文化工作的效果等机遇。在此基础上提出统战文化工作新思维培育、统战文化工作队伍新媒介素养培养、统战文化工作载体创新、统战文化工作媒介生态环境优化等路径,以有效提升媒体融合环境下统战文化传播效度。%The implementing dimension of transmission validity for united front culture ascension is elaborated from the perspective of media integration.Challenges for united front culture information transmission under media integration environment are analyzed in the regards of the passive effects of media diversification on united front culture information transmission in terms of "centricity""mainstream""stability"and "authority"features.Meanwhile opportunities under the environment in optimizing united front culture content to realize "zero time difference"in published information and reading;in broadening the information transmission coverage to remove time and space limits;in increasing information absorbing quality of the audience to innovate reading experience,as well as in improving the effects of the united front work culture to comply with the demand of development.Accordingly the approaches to proceed on united front culture are proposed mainly from four aspects:new thinking and work team new media attainments cultiva-tion,carrier innovation and media ecological environment improvement,to enhance its transmission validity under the media integra-tion environment.



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