首页> 中文期刊>中国中医急症 >腰椎间盘突出症患者腰背肌锻炼方法选择与体质量指数的关系




目的 探讨腰椎间盘突出症患者腰背肌锻炼方法的选择.方法 将患者根据体质量指数(BMI)分为正常组、消瘦组及肥胖组3组,每位对象分别进行飞燕式及拱桥式方法锻炼并记录完成情况.结果 正常组与肥胖组锻炼方法的完成情况差异有统计学意义,拱桥式腰背肌锻炼方法比飞燕式容易成功,消瘦组因病例少无法进行统计学处理.结论 体质量指数≥18.5 kg/m2的腰椎间盘突出症患者,首选拱桥式作为腰背肌锻炼方法.%Objective: To explore the way of low back muscle exercise for patients with prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc. Methods: Patients were divided into normal group,lean group,fat group.obesity group according to body mass index (BMI). Every patient was told to exercise with flying swallow type and arch bridge type. And the effects were recorded. Results: There was statically significant differences between the normal group and obesity group. The arch bridge type was better in getting good effect than flying swallow type. The number of lean group was too limited to be taken statistical treatment. Conclusions: Patients with prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc should take arch bridge type to exercise low back muscle whose BMI were above 18.5 kg/m2.



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