首页> 中文期刊>生态与农村环境学报 >基于不同评估方法的养殖池塘富营养化环境成本研究——以上海青浦地区常规鱼类养殖池塘为例




Environmental cost of aquaculture in pond was assessed, using the replacement cost method, material balance method, contingent valuation method ( CVM) and COD price method. Results of the assessment show a decreasing order of replacement cost method (4 400 RMB -a-1 ? Hm-2) , COD price method (4 191. 99 RMB ? A-1 ? Hm-2) , material balance method (3 925.76 RMB ? A-1 ? Hm-2) , and contingent valuation method (2 007. 8 RMB ? A-1 ? Hm-2). It is held that the assessment using the COD price method is probably the closest to the true value of the environmental cost on the premises that the costs of time and money are not counted. The environmental costs estimated using the four methods account for about 6% - 14% of the total economic profit of the operation, which indicates that it is necessary to adopt relevant measures to administer aquacultural pollution of the environment.%采用物料平衡法、置换成本法、条件价值评估法(CVM)和COD价格法对池塘养殖环境成本进行评估.结果显示,基于4种评估方法估算得到的池塘养殖环境成本由大到小依次为置换成本法(4 400元·a-1· hm-2)、COD价格法(4 191.99元·a-1·hm-2)、物料平衡法(3 925.76元·a-1·hm-2)和CVM法(2 007.8元·a-1·hm-2),认为在不考虑时间和经济成本的前提下,基于COD价格法测算得到的结果可能最接近于环境成本的真实值.采用4种评估方法测得的环境成本占常规鱼类养殖经济总收益的6%~14%,表明采取相关措施防治水产养殖环境污染很有必要.



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