首页> 中文期刊>东华大学学报(自然科学版) >小口径管状织物的成形及其抽拔顺滑性的表征




依据机织管状织物的织造原理,以Kevlar长丝为原料,以平纹组织为基础组织,在特制梭子的自动小样织机上分别织造出管径为1 6、20和24 mm的3种小口径管状织物.运用自主研制的管状织物抽拔顺滑性测量装置对所织造的管状织物进行抽拔顺滑性测试,从所获得的3种小口径管状织物的抽拔力-时间(Fp-t)曲线得知整个抽拔过程中管状织物的受力呈现先增后减的趋势,且最终趋近一个非零的定值.在测试的初始阶段及中间过程中,管径越小的管状织物所受的抽拔力越大;在测试结束前一段时间,管径越小的管状织物所受的抽拔力也越小.由管状织物的抽拔力及断裂强力计算出的管状织物抽拔顺滑度,表明管状织物的管径越大则其抽拔顺滑性越好.%Three minor-caliber tubular fabrics (MCTFs) with a diameter of 16,20,and 24 mm were fabricated with plain weave as the basic fabric weave and Kevlar as raw material on an automatic sample loom with special shuttles based on the preparing fundamental of tubular woven fabric.A self-designed device was used to test the pull-out smoothness of tubular fabrics.Results indicated that the stresses presented a rising tendency in the initial stage while a decreasing trend next,and finally tended towards a constant non-zero force value.As expected,during the initial stage and the testing process,it showed that the lower the diameter of tubular fabric,the lager its bearable stress.However,the trend was reversed at a period before the testing was over.The pull-out smoothness was obtained from the pull-out force and breaking strength,it showed that the bigger the diameter of tubular fabric,the better the pullout smoothness.



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