首页> 中文期刊> 《东莞理工学院学报》 >特斯拉电源管理系统和快速充电技术的研究综述




特斯拉电动车的核心是其先进的锂电池成组技术及其电池管理系统,由此实现了续航里程和安全性的飞跃。特斯拉采用工业化程度高、相对成熟的电池组单元。其技术优势在于:稳定可靠、动力性能卓越,续航里程最高可达480 km。这有助于解决续航焦虑问题,也对快速充电技术提出了更高的要求。而特斯拉Model S电动汽车最大的电池容量为85 kWh,由7000多颗18650电池提供电量支持。如此大的电池容量,必须有更快的充电速度与之相匹配。对特斯拉的电池管理系统和快速充电技术进行简要的分析,并展望未来电动汽车技术的前景。%Based on the present lithium ion battery , Tesla electric vehicles have made a great progress in driving miles and safety by developing its unique Battery Management System ( BMS) .The battery system of Tesla has been well developed with stable electrochemical performances and manufactured in a great number .Because of superior performance of its battery system which is composed of more than 7 000 cells and own total capacity as high as 85 kWh, a Tesla car can drive up to 480 km over one full charge.Therefore, a large current rate is necessary to charge such a big battery pack in an acceptable time .This paper figures out several significant points on Tesla ’ s BMS and fast charging technology .A sound analysis of the current technology brings insights in-to the future prospective .Particularly fast charging through wireless technology is deemed to play a key role in the future .



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