首页> 中文期刊> 《家畜生态学报》 >环境规制下浙江省生猪产业的发展路径探析




生猪养殖既是保障市场供应的菜篮子工程,也是农民增收的钱袋子,但粗放的生猪养殖方式也引发了日益突出的环境污染问题.如何实现生猪产业的转型升级,保持生猪养殖与环境承载之间的平衡,是当前的重要研究课题.论文基于对浙江萧山、龙游、义乌、绍兴、海盐等典型地区的调研,描述了当前浙江生猪养殖规模明显下降、结构有所优化的现状,分析了面临的资源约束日趋增强、环保压力日趋加大、污染治理成本增高、养殖户退出后转产转业难等现实挑战.浙江省生猪产业要实现“高效、低耗、生态、持续”的模式发展,需统筹考虑产业布局、创新转型发展模式、重视科技研发与技术推广、完善产业政策的顶层设计等.%Pig breeding ensures the market supply and improves the income of farmers,while extensive methods of breeding lead to prominent environmental pollution.To achieve the transformation and upgrading of pig breeding industry,and keep balance between pig breeding and environmental carrying,based on investigation of typical areas such as Xiaoshan,Longyou,Yiwu,Shaoxing and Haiyan,this paper concluded that breeding scale decreased significantly in Zhejiang,and the structure was gradually optimized.Meanwhile,the industry of pig breeding faces various challenges,including resource constraint,environmental pressure,the cost of pollution control,and the difficulty of demobilization of farmers.In order to realize high efficiency,low consumption,ecological and sustainable development,Zhejiang province needs to make an overall plan for industrial layout,innovate development mode,emphasize technology research and promotion,and improve the top level design of industrial policy.



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