首页> 中文期刊>数据采集与处理 >一种通用的雷达回波记录系统设计方法




回波记录是现代雷达系统不可或缺的功能之一,传统记录仪有些只是直接录取模拟信号,或者只是对输出的视频信号进行A/D转换,再进行数字式存储,已经不能适应现代雷达系统的发展趋势.本文设计的基于工控机的通用雷达数据记录系统具有通用性、模块化、存储数据多样性、接口标准化和适应信息化发展等优点,并且集成了一种快速小波压缩算法,低压缩比的无失真算法记录高保真的目标回波数据,高压缩比的有失真算法则记录全量程的雷达回波数据.该系统已在多种型号的对海监视雷达中使用,可推广应用于新体制雷达研制和现役雷达系统改造.%Data recoding is one of the important functions of modern radar system.Because the traditional radar recorder directly records and plays analog signals,or converts the video outputs in to digital data,then stores them.Thus,it cannot meet the needs of the modern radar system.A new design for general-purpose computer-based radar return recording system has characteristics of the common-purpose,modularization,data storage versatility,interface standardization,and adaptability trend.And it also uses a kind of fast wavelet compression algorithm.The low-compression-rate non-distort ion configuration is for the high-fidelity object returns,and the other high-compression-rate distortion configuration is for the radar waves of the full range.The system validation has been used in several sea surveillance radar systems,so it can be extened in the design of new radar system and the upgrade of the radar in active service.



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