首页> 中文期刊> 《大连大学学报》 >废感光胶片银回收方法研究




本文研究处理废感光胶片中银及片基的方法,达到减少对环境污染,同时变废为宝的目的。采用稀硝酸将废感光胶片所附的银化合物溶解成银离子,达到脱银目的,用电解方法从含银溶液提取纯银。综合各种处理废感光胶片方法中,化学溶解法性最佳。试验证明10%稀硝酸处理废感光胶片在温度为70~90℃效果最佳,当硝酸银溶液银浓度为12g/L时,电解法提银处理溶液效果最佳,处理后硝酸溶液还可以胶片脱银,达到循环利用、高效目的。%A method of recovering silver and film from waste photographic film was studied. It aimed to reduce environmental pollution and change wastes into valuables. Silver was dissolved from waste photographic films by diluent nitric acid and then distilled from solution by eletroanalysis. Chemical dissolve was proposed to be the best of all the methods to recover silver from waste photographic film with comprehensive analysis of various processing waste photographic methods. The test showed silver dissolved from waste photographic films by diluent nitric acid at the optimum temperature 70-90℃, and when concentration of nitric silver was 12 g/L, the distilling silver effect was best of all by eletroanalysis. After distilling, the nitric acid solution could also handle film to recover the silver for the aim of recycle and efficiency.



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