首页> 中文期刊> 《大理学院学报》 >老年性腔隙性脑梗塞合并精神障碍临床分析




目的:对老年性腔隙性脑梗塞合并精神障碍的病例进行分析,提供此类疾病的流行病学资料,为提高该病的诊疗水平提供依据。方法:收集大理州第二人民医院2014年至2015年期间腔隙性脑梗塞并发精神障碍患者30例,对其起病因素、临床特点、治疗和转归进行综合分析。结果:30例患者均确诊为老年性腔隙性脑梗塞合并精神障碍病例,年龄60~88岁,均为首次突发精神行为异常,合并高血压28例占93.3%,2型糖尿病1例占3.3%,高脂血症4例占13.3%,应用改善脑供血加小剂量抗精神病药物治疗,脑梗塞好转后精神障碍症状也得以控制。结论:老年性腔隙性脑梗塞合并精神障碍患者在临床上逐年增多,因此应加强早期诊断,积极治疗合并症,提高病人的生存质量。%〔Abstract〕Objective:By analyzing senile lacunar infarction cases complicated by mental disorders, to provide epidemiological data for such disease, and improvethe diagnosis and treatments of the disease. Methods:Cases of 30 patients suffering lacunar infarction complicated with mental disorders were collected from No.2 People's Hospital of Dali Prefecture between 2014 to 2015. Those cases were comprehensively analyzed on the following aspects:causes, clinical features, treatment and prognosis. Results:30 patients were all diagnosed with senile lacunar infarction complicated with mental disorder. They were all between 60-88 years old, and suffered sudden mental and behavioral abnormalities for the first time. 28 cases of them got hypertension, accounting for 93.3%;one case got type 2 diabetes, accounting for 3.3%;four hyperlipidemia, accounting for 13.3%. After treatments of improving brain blood supply and low dose antipsychotic drug therapy, mental disorders can be controlled following the infarction improvement. Conclusion: Senile lacunar infarctions complicated with clinical mental disorders have increased year by year. Early diagnosis should be strengthened, active treatments of complications should be performed to improve the life quality of patients.



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