首页> 中文期刊>临床儿科杂志 >小儿危重病继发胰腺损害的原因与机制




胰腺损害在形态学上改变十分轻微,但其引起的严重并发症可增加危重病患儿的死亡率.胰腺损害的病因复杂,其发生机制尚不清楚,且国内外尚未作出明确概念界定,缺乏诊断标准和指南.该文结合已有的临床和动物实验研究文献,在小儿急性胰腺炎研究基础上对小儿危重病继发胰腺损害的病因、机制及免疫治疗研究做一综述,以促进这一新领域的研究发展和提高小儿危重病继发胰腺损害的认知水平.%Pancreatic damage can develop a series of related severe complications contributing to morbidity and mortality in critically ill children when the morphological changes of the pancreas are mild. The etiology is complex,little is known about the pathogenesis, and the concept has not yet clearly been defined. So there are no established diagnosis and management guidelines for pancreatic damage. This review, covering the etiology, pathogenesis and immune therapy of pediatric critical illnesses with secondary pancreatic damage, was based on current studies and animal experiments of acute pancrcatitis, and was conducted to help promote research and development in this new field and improve the cognitive level of pancreatic damage in critically ill children.



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