首页> 中文期刊> 《实用临床医药杂志》 >自拟复肝汤治疗慢性乙型肝炎肝纤维化临床研究




目的 观察自拟复肝汤治疗慢性乙型肝炎的临床疗效.方法 将所选病例随机分为2组,其中治疗组160例,对照组80例.2组患者均口服阿德福韦酯胶囊(名正)10 mg/次,1次/d.治疗组患者加服自拟复肝汤,水煎,1副/d.对照组加口服大黄虫丸,2组疗程均为3个月,治疗前后查患者治疗前后分别查血清纤维4项(HA、LN、PⅢP、IV-C),肝功能(ALT、AST、TB),肝胆脾彩超检查,并进行中医症候疗效判定.结果 2组患者治疗3个月后肝功能、血清纤维4项、中医症候均有明显改善,治疗组明显优于对照组(P<0.05).结论 自拟复肝汤治疗慢性乙型肝炎能明显改善患者的症状、体征、肝功能纤维化指标及影像学改善,疗效较对照组明显.%Objective To study the clinical curative effect of the complex decoction in the treatment of chronic hepatitis b liver.Methods The selected cases were randomly divided into two groups, including the treatment group 160 cases and control group 80 cases.Two groups of patients took Adefovir Dipivoxil slice 10mg day once.The treatment group patients took extra water - decocting liver soup, one dose a day.In the control group, patients took Rhubarb Sting Worm pills.The treatment of both groups lasted for 3 months.Patients' serum four (HA, LN, PC Ⅲ, P Ⅲ P, liver function, treating spleen b - sonography), together with Color Doppler ultrasound check of liver, gall and spleen before and after treatment were recorded for further diagnosis in TCM symptoms.Results Three months after the treatment, liver function, serum four and TCM symptoms of the two groups were greatly improved.The treatment group was better than control group (P < 0.05 ).Conclusion Using complex decoction in the treatment of chronic hepatitis b can significantly improve patients with symptoms,signs, the liver fibrosis indices and imaging.The clinical effects are obviously better than those of the control group.



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