首页> 中文期刊> 《临床和实验医学杂志》 >北京市35~44岁年龄组口腔修复患者龋齿患病情况及口腔卫生状况的调查




Objective The purpose of this article is to study the prevalence of caries and condition of oral hygiene in patients aged 3544 with requirement of dental prosthesis in Beijing Friendship Hospital. Methods A total of 1424 patients in this department were randomly selected for study of caries condition and debris index. Results There is no difference in the prevalence of caries between these patients and general population. Females have more caries than males. There is high incidence of caries in first permanent molar. There is no significant correlation between prevalence of caries and debris index. Conclusion The prosthodontic patients aged 35 - 44 years old need to improve their condition of oral health. Since the fixed or removable denture makes it difficult to keep good oral hygienic condition, it's very important for dentists to give instructions about oral hygiene to patients before and after prosthetic treatment.%目的 调查北京市35~44岁年龄组口腔修复患者龋齿患病情况及口腔卫生状况.方法 随机抽取2011年1~3月首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院35~44岁口腔修复患者1 424例,检查其龋齿患病情况及口内软垢指数.结果 35~44岁年龄组口腔修复患者的患龋率为88.9%.女性患龋率明显高于男性;且第一恒磨牙患龋率较高.患龋率与软垢指数之间未发现明显相关关系.结论 北京市35~44岁年龄组口腔修复患者的口腔卫生状况有待进一步提高.临床工作中要重视针对该人群的口腔卫生宣教,督促患者养成良好的口腔卫生习惯,以配合口腔修复治疗取得良好效果.



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