首页> 中文期刊> 《针灸临床杂志》 >吴尚先《理瀹骈文》脐疗法探析




吴尚先《理瀹骈文》是我国医学史上系统阐述外治法的专著.《理瀹骈文》详尽地阐释了脐疗法的理论基础、操作方法与作用效果.在理论基础上,源于《内经》《难经》等经典,又糅合诸家学说,在辨证论治指导下说明内外同理之义;在操作方法上,吴氏脐疗法又有敷脐、熨脐、灸脐、罨脐、贴脐等诸多治法,赋予不同特点与适应证;在作用效果上,吴氏不但强调脐疗法可以"统治百病",更是在防治结合思想下指导养生保健,影响深远,为后世医家所推崇.%Li Yue Pian Wen written by WU Shang-xian is a comprehensive treatise on external treatment in Chinese medical history.The theory foundation,the applying technique and the clinical effect were elaborated in this book.In terms of the theory foundation,it illustrates the similarities between the internal and the external under the guidance of the treatment based on syndrome differentiation,taking The Yellow Emperor''s Classic of Internal Medicine and Classic of Questioning and all other thoughts as references.In respect,applying techniques of different techniques were fit into corresponding indications according to their features.In the aspect of clinical effect,WU Shang-xian emphasized the umbilicus-applying therapy could not only treat all kinds of diseases,but also guide the health caring.This book has far-reaching influence and recommended by the later generations.



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