


和诗创作在齐梁时期迎来了第一次高峰,但同时代的《文选》编选者没有为它单独立类,而是将其分别归入3大诗类。这种归类情况是复杂的,对其进行深入分析,可以让我们了解《文选》编选者作为早期的文体分类者对和诗特征的看法,以及当时的主流诗界对和诗与赠答诗两种相似诗类是否有过明确的区分,从而对和诗诗体观念的发展源头有更清晰的认识和把握。%Although poets in Qiliang period wrote a large number of poems of replying,editors of Wen Xuan did not establish a new category for them but classified them into three other categories instead. This classification situation is complicated. By analyzing it,we will know the views of editors of Wen Xuan about characters of poems of replying and the fact that whether there is a clear distinction be-tween the poem of replying and the presentable poem in the idea of mainstream poetry at that time. It will finally give us a clear sense of poems of replying and its nascent state.



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