首页> 中文期刊>重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版) >一种安卓系统手机恶意软件链接串行联合检测方法




恶意软件链接将给人们的财产甚至生命安全带来极大威胁.为了保障移动终端通信的安全性,提出了一种安卓系统手机恶意软件链接串行联合检测方法,该方法设计了基于域名的黑白名单检测模块、敏感关键词检测模块及基于逻辑回归算法的检测模块.逻辑回归检测模型基于6种链接特征构建;3个检测模块以串行的方式递进工作,一旦得出检测结论即终止本次检测.实验测试结果表明,该方法可有效识别安卓系统手机恶意软件下载链接,检测准确率达98.5%以上;且检测速度较快,一个典型链接的平均检测时间约0.181 s.%Malicious software links may bring a great threat to people's property and even their lives.In order to ensure the security of communication for mobile terminals,a method of serial joint detection of malicious software links in Android system is proposed,which integrated a black and white list detection module based on domain name,a sensitive keyword detection module and a detection module based on logistic regression algorithm.The logistic regression detection model is constructed based on six kinds of link features.The three detection modules work in a serial way and the whole detection is stopped on reaching any conclusion.The experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively identify malicious software download links in Android system,its accuracy rate of detection is over 98.5%.And the detection speed is fast,typically,the average detection time of any link is about 0.181s.



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